These notes are from a LinkedIn Learning Course that can be found here:
Scalar Type Declarations
Three Techniques:
- None: returns as-is
- Coercive: coerces value before returning it
- Strict: raises error if type does not match
function sum($a, $b) {
echo $a . " " . gettype($a) . " + ";
echo $b . " " . gettype($b) . " = ";
$result = $a + $b;
echo $result . "" . gettype($result);
sum(2, 3);
// 2 integer + 3 integer = 5 integer
sum("2", "3");
// 2 string + 3 string = 5 integer
sum(2.0, 3.0);
// 2 double + 3 double = 5 double
function sum(int $a,int $b) {
echo $a . " " . gettype($a) . " + ";
echo $b . " " . gettype($b) . " = ";
$result = $a + $b;
echo $result . "" . gettype($result);
sum(2, 3);
// 2 integer + 3 integer = 5 integer
sum("2", "3");
// 2 integer + 3 integer = 5 integer
sum(2.0, 3.0);
// 2 integer + 3 integer = 5 integer
function sum(int $a,int $b) {
echo $a . " " . gettype($a) . " + ";
echo $b . " " . gettype($b) . " = ";
$result = $a + $b;
echo $result . "" . gettype($result);
sum(2, 3);
// 2 integer + 3 integer = 5 integer
sum("2", "3");
// TypeError: Argument must be of the type integer, string given
sum(2.0, 3.0);
// TypeError: Argument must be of the type integer, float given
- array
- bool
- float
- int
- string
Return Type Declarations
Three Techniques:
- None: returns as-is
- Coercive: coerces value before returning it
- Strict: raises error if type does not match
function sum($a, $b) {
return $a + $b;
echo gettype(sum(2, 3));
// integer
echo gettype(sum("2", "3"));
// integer
echo gettype(sum(2.0, 3.0));
// double
function sum($a, $b): int {
return $a + $b;
echo gettype(sum(2, 3));
// integer
echo gettype(sum("2", "3"));
// integer
echo gettype(sum(2.0, 3.0));
// integer
function sum($a, $b): int {
return $a + $b;
echo gettype(sum(2, 3));
// integer
echo gettype(sum("2", "3"));
// integer
echo gettype(sum(2.0, 3.0));
// TypeError: Return value must be of the type integer, float returned
Combined Comparison Operator
Also known as:
spaceship operator
Comparison Operators
- ==, ===
- !=, !==
- <, <=
- > , >=
Combined Comparison Operator
- <=>
$swatch_price <=> $rolex_price
- Returns -1 when left side is less than right side.
- Returns 0 when both sides are equal.
- Returns 1 when left side is greater then right side.
Example 1:
Switch case.
$a = 100;
$b = 200;
switch($a <=> $b) {
case -1:
echo '$a is less than $b'; break;
case 0:
echo '$a is equal to $b'; break;
case 1:
echo '$a is greater than $b'; break;
Example 2:
Sort array by price.
$watches = array(
array('brand': 'Swatch', 'price': 50.0),
array('brand': 'Timex', 'price': 5.0),
array('brand': 'Rolex', 'price': 500.0)
// Sort by price, in ascending order
function sort_by_price($watch1, $watch2) {
return $watch1['price'] <=> $watch2['price'];
usort($watch, 'sort_by_price');
When watch1 before watch2 ascending order.
When watch1 after watch2 descending order.
Null Coalescing Operator
What it looks like: ??
Returns first value that exists and is not NULL
Example 1:
$value = $user_value ?? $default_value;
Same as:
if (isset($user_value)) {
$value = $user_value;
} else {
$value = $default_value;
echo $page_title ?? 'My Cool PHP App';
$username = $_POST['username'] ?? 'guest';
$value = $a ?? $b ?? $c ?? $d ?? $default;